Women who are victim of violent/abusive relationships remain in such relationship due to distorted thinking that leads to confusion, doubts, and even self-blame. Their partners harass and accuse them and this wears them down and causes despair, self-blame and guilt. Some of the reasons why women remain in an abusive relationship include:
Believing Abuse is Normal: “he beats me because he loves me”. Growing up in an environment where abuse was common, they may fail to recognize and acknowledge that their relationship is unhealthy
Low self-esteem – this is due to the degrading treatment that allows them to feel worthless.
Fear due to threat of bodily and emotional harm. The partners use this to control and keep women trapped
Wanting to be a Savior by trying to help or change their partner
Children – women stay to protect their children and want to keep the family together
Financial Constraints – not able to manage on their own financially
Embarrassment – it is difficult for most women to admit that they’ve been abused. They may also worry that their friends and family will judge them
Social/Peer Pressure - If the abuser is popular, it can be hard for a person to tell their friends for fear that no one will believe them or that everyone will take the abuser’s side
Cultural/Religious Reasons – a female’s culture or religion may influence them to stay rather than end the relationship for fear of bringing shame upon their church and family