Thoughts and feelings of loneliness can be described as anxiety, fear, shame and helplessness. These emotions are prevailing and can influence persons’ actions. They can create a downward spiral where loneliness causes someone to withdraw from family and friends and become lonelier. Loneliness can affect how people expect and interpret their social experiences. Persons can become more concerned of social situations or pick up on social rejection cues too eagerly. Loneliness can get worst if individuals see the cause of loneliness as something that will not change: that it is just part of who they are or of becoming older. Loneliness is not a mental health issue in itself but mental health problems, particularly depression and social anxiety, can cause loneliness; and on the other hand loneliness can cause mental health problems.
Individuals need to understand how loneliness affects them and build this understanding in to their daily lives. They will need to get involve in group activities and carry out hobbies. Those with chronic loneliness may be best helped by one-to-one support directly focused on helping them alleviate loneliness using psychological techniques.