The sudden or unanticipated death of a teacher is a tragic event that calls for the best coping strategies in order to help both student and staff personnel to grieve this tragedy. The relationship shared with the teacher, the length of time the relationship started, and the conditions of the teacher's death are determining factor to the grieving process.
The school system being confronted with this loss has the responsibility to work keenly to help the school family acknowledge, understand, accept and get through this crisis. A teacher is very significant in the lives of students; therefore the death of a teacher is a major stressful event.
Teachers can be the victim of an act of violence and the death of a teacher through a purposeful act causes the school family to struggle with the loss of safety and security in addition to grieving. These are some concerns that children may have: "Will I die the same way?", "Who is going to be my teacher and will I like this new teacher?", depending on the age group they may also ask "Did I do anything to cause the death?"
To achieve successful grieving this staff must help students accept the reality of the loss, experience the pain of grief, and adjust to the class or school environment in which the teacher has died and is missing, withdraw emotions connected to the deceased and invest in another relationship. They should engage in practical and positive activities of mourning.