Rape is forcing or a threat of force to attain penile-vaginal contact (penile penetration) of a female without her consent or a minor even if she consents. There are several types of rape these include:
Anger rape: The rapist’s goal is to humiliate, disgrace and hurt their victim. Rapists’ use intense physical force than is required to overpower their victim and accomplish penetration.
Power Rape: Rapists compensate their feelings of inadequacy and need to conquer, demonstrate mastery, and dominance. They perceive that victims enjoyed the act of rape and may eventually move on to another victim.
Sadistic Rape: These rapists romanticize violence and aggression to sex. They tend to attribute sexual relations with violence, infliction of pain, anger, force, and power.
Why Do Men Rape?
Men rape if they find themselves at a disadvantage of securing sexual relations. These men are generally deprived of having a partner or mate.
Some men are opportunistic rapist. They seek out receptive women – women who show some form of interest in them and will move to forcing to engage in sex and rape if these women say “NO” or if the likelihoods of retaliation by the victim, the victim’s family, or society are mainly low
Some men rape due to environmental context to show ego by pursuing many women with no investment and see it as giving them dominance and control over women. They generally rape and murder their victims viciously.
Some men rape to show ownership. This could be considered partner rape.